How To Change Your Name On Facebook

Due to the advances in the latest technology and the latest technique, there are lots of things on the Internet that people are using for the sake of fun and entertainment and also for the benefit. Facebook is one of them; lots of people make an account on Facebook and use this to have a good time. On Facebook, you have to make an account by adding your personal information. Without making an account, you are not able to use Facebook. This personal information must be correct to prevent any type of difficulty after making an account.

In the personal information, you have to put your name, your address, your date of birth, and many other personal things. You can change all these things from your account if you want to change them. There are some policies of Facebook that you need to keep in your mind to change anything on your account. You can also change your name on Facebook after making your account. We are describing the process of how to change your name on Facebook account in the following article. If you need to change your name after making an account, then you can read below. 

Name changing policy of Facebook.

When you are making your account, you have to enter your name into that account. You can make your account by using your real name so that people can find you and contact you. After making your account, if you want to change your name, then you can change your name only once every 60 days. If you want to change your name again, then you have to wait for 60 days to change it again. You cannot change it before 60 days when you change your previous name.


Method to change the name on Facebook

You can change your name on the Facebook account after making your account, but there is some policy of Facebook that you have to keep in your mind to do this. You can change your name by following a specific process, and you can do this only once every 60 days. You can change your name on Facebook by following the process described below.

  • First of all, you need to review the name standards
  • Tap on the top right of the Facebook
  • Then Scroll down and go to the “Settings and privacy options.” Then tap on the “settings.”
  • After selecting the settings option, you need to tap on the “Personal and account information.”
  • when you get access to the personal and account information, you need to tap on “Name.” 
  • After this, you need to enter the name that you want to change And then tap “review change.”
  • When you have entered your new name, and you want to save it, then Facebook asks for your password.
  • After you enter your password, tap “save changes.”

By following the above-mentioned process, you can change your previous name on your Face book and save your new name. It is a very easy and simple process. You can change your name by using this process only once every 60 days.

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